Have you got outstanding Tax Returns

Have you go Outstanding Tax returns

Have you received a letter from the ATO to lodge your outstanding returns
Urgently- Do you need an Accountant ?

Need an Accountant to get them lodged and help negotiate remission of any penalties and fines- I am located in Oxenford

I can help you out and have recently negotiated more than $70K in penalties to be remitted

Take your head out of the sand and get them lodged. Most people end up with a big refund and regret not lodging soon

Jayton Joseph Accountant now located at 3 Cottonwood Place Oxenford (near Woolworths)

Returns can be done via email/phone or I come to you

After hours or weekends ok
email me at info@jaytonjosephaccountant.com or call me on 0410 485 646


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Jayton Joseph Accountant

Unit 18B 3 Cottonwood Place
Oxenford,Qld 4210

( Near Woolworth Access via laneway beside Sullivan Nicolaides)
Jayton Joseph Accountant